My Self-Care Plan For World Mental Health Day

Self-care is an important habit to get into. Whether it’s something physical or mental, it’s going to improve your vibe and promote some self love at the same time. For World Mental Health Day, I’m putting together a self-care plan for both my body and my mind to celebrate where I am in life and to evaluate what is bringing negativity in my life. I really hope this list sparks some interest in planning your very own day of pampering, big or small!
1. Wake up EARLY
For me, I always feel better about myself when I get an early start. No need to get up before the sun because that’s RIDICULOUS (unless you have to like I do most of the time, it’s fine I’m not crying). I’ll probably shoot for 7 or 8 on this specific day, open my blinds and let in the natural light.
2. Skincare routine
Another thing that helps wake me up. First thing I do is splash some cold water on my face. Then I run some warm water and I use Neutrogena face wash and a silicone face scrubber from Bed Bath and Beyond. After drying, I take an ice cube to my face to help close my pores. Then I apply a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen to help with any dryness and protect my face in case I go outside…it doesn’t happen often but you never know.
3. Workout
A solid workout is a great way to get some endorphins flowing and boost your mood. On the weekends I normally stick to long cardio days, so this Saturday I would probably opt into my go to 20x20x20 (20 minutes of running, 20 biking, 20 elliptical).
4. Shower, pamper
I take long showers sometimes to think and decompress. I’ll take the time to shave (which I normally do not), scrub my feet with a pumice block, and use my favorite body wash. After a shower I’ll either stick with the natural look or doll-up a little, just depending on my mood.
5. Go out for Brunch
Brunch has become such a mainstream, basic thing to do. I do NOT care and I will continue to do this until they take it away from me. My favorite place recently to go for breakfast/brunch has been Keke’s, but I have always been an IHOP girl and am definitely not too good for the OG.
6. Shopping with friends
Shopping can be a fun escape from normal life. I don’t really have money to go shopping shopping, it’s more like window shopping. One thing I know for sure, it’s always better with friends! My friend Amanda and I will run down to our local shopping center and walk around store hopping on Saturday afternoons. Target is our go-to place, we always hit it no matter what.
7. Movie Night
After spending time with friends walking around stores, it’s the perfect time to come home to my sweet man. One of our favorite things to do is watch an award-winning film together and analyze it. Pop a pizza in the oven, turn the lights down, curl up with a blanket and get cozy. THAT sounds like the perfect night to me.
8. Skincare Pt. 2
After a solid movie night, it’s time to get ready for SLEEP. My nightly skincare routine is a little different from my morning. I still wash my face with my Neutrogena, but I add in either a chemical peel, face mask, or pore strips depending on the week. These are little things that help me feel more confident about my skin, so on this day dedicated to mental health I’m definitely going all out. After one of these options I use a moisturizer for wrinkle prevention (because it’s honestly never too early to think about, shit sneaks up on you).
9. Journaling
I’ve tried very hard to get into journaling, and I’ve been pretty successful so far. It helps me add a little bookend to my days and chronicles important events that have passed. I want my children and my grandchildren to be able to look back at my journals and remember me. In my imagination, it gives them something of my past to connect to my life before they even existed. I think that’s something special to give your future generations.
10. Reading
Skincare, check. Teeth cleaning, check. Birth control (very important), check. Now it’s time to wind down and read before bed. They say it’s better to read before bed than to watch TV because the blue light keeps you awake. I used to be horrible with this and even fall asleep watching TV. At this point, I’m adult enough where I don’t need the TV on to get a good night’s rest.
I hope you got a kick out of this. I know it seems VERY planned out, and yes you would be correct in assuming that it is. But weirdly, having such a plan for myself gives me a sense of peace. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. Something that triggers my anxiety is not having control over my own situation. My depression is often triggered when I don’t have anything to do because I feel like I should be doing something (even when I’m taking a chill day). Planning my day out helps me cope with these triggers and lets me enjoy life better.
Not everyone copes with their mental health issues the way that I do. I know there are some people who would panic at the idea that their whole day was planned for them, and possibly trigger depression feeling like they had no freedom available in their day. Whatever it is that fosters your mental health, take advantage of it on this day. I’d love to hear what your version of self-care is! Do you paint? Go on a hike? Binge watch your favorite show? Share with me! And don’t forget to subscribe 😉
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