5 Ways To Stay Active This 4th Of July

The 4th of July is the epitome of American holidays. I mean, it’s the day we told the British Empire that we didn’t need their shit anymore and we could handle it ourselves. Sounds kind of like a bratty teenager, but we had our reasons #donttaxmytea. We get dressed up in the American Flag, shoot off fireworks, some of us get drunk, it’s a great time. BUT if you’re looking for a more tame and active affair for your 4th of July celebration, here are some options for you. Keep in mind social distancing and wearing a mask when in public to protect your friends, family, and strangers <3
1. Family Barbecues
Nothing beats a summer afternoon with the fam. Sometimes it can be really hard to coordinate your whole family, but the 4th of July is the perfect time to make that effort. It’s summertime so you know the kids are down, and if you’re lucky enough the adults may have off too (I mean they really should, it’s America’s birthday for God’s sake). In preparation for this event, get to the store EARLY if you want to grill some serious burgers and dogs. You know those buns go fast. Maybe even consider baking some easy banana bread? 😉
Go ahead and plan some interactive activities too! You don’t want your family slowly shifting inside to catch their favorite show. They can do that ANY day! Grab a football, soccer ball, whatever strikes your fancy and get a pick up game rolling! Is frisbee your sport of choice? Throw that disk around! There will always be options for your family to get interested and active. Personally, I would make sure there was a corn hole set up, you can make a solid drinking game out of corn hole…you’re still being active okay? Just with some alcohol.
2. Fireworks Shows (planned event or homemade):
You could definitely go out to Walmart and buy a cute pack of smaller fireworks to shoot off in your driveway….OR you could show up to a local fireworks show where they pull out the big guns (of course if you have any actually happening around you). If you go to one of these sanctioned events, you don’t have to worry about a thing. There is someone else worrying about the fireworks, permits, and safety, so you can pull up a seat and enjoy. Many fireworks shows also offer vendors and games in the afternoon before the fireworks are set off. Take Lake Eola for example in Orlando, Florida (which is CANCELLED, rightfully but it still hurts). That is one I have personally gone to and truly enjoyed. They have food, games, and a killer show over the water.
When you’re on the search for a fireworks show, you’ll find a collection of kid-friendly events and some more adult events (adult meaning alcohol). Do some research for your local area and see what comes up! If you do have shows available in your area, be sure to be safe about it: keep your distance from others, wear a mask, and don’t touch your face. If you don’t have any shows or all the ones you had planned on were cancelled…you can still have a beautiful fireworks show at home. It’s just a little more modest!
3. Trip to the beach
The beach is a GREAT place to go on the 4th of July. It’s exceptionally active, and you get to breathe that fresh sea air. Depending on what beach you go to, you may have an issue with overcrowding. In that case, don’t go to your typical spot. Try out one of the less frequented locations to get some space! If your beach permits, you can even bring a barbeque and grill up some food while you’re there. My essentials for a beach trip would be an umbrella (or a canopy depending on the number of people), a cooler full of water and drinks, HUGE towels, and some snacks (or your barbeque load out). Don’t forget your boards if you’re a water sport family! Surf, boogie, skim, your choice. A beach ball is great….if it’s not windy, or else your ball will definitely not survive the day. So in that case grab yourself a volleyball and set up a rudimentary court in the sand.
4. Visit State or National Park
It’s a great idea to visit your state and national parks anyway, it’s important to support them and the preservation of nature. BUT on the 4th of July it’s a beautiful time to get out and explore. If you’re visiting for the day, you could take a nice picnic and set up somewhere nice to enjoy the sounds of nature as you grub down. There could also be the option to camp (depending on the park and location) in which case you could make a whole trip out of it! Unless you live in Florida, camping in summer is ROUGH in Florida and I would not recommend unless you have a body of water very close to you, and an electric fan.
Lay out under the stars and think about the Star Spangled Banner, grill up some dogs like our forefathers did, and take some well-needed hikes to become one with the earth.
5. Water Fun!
YES water fun! This could mean MANY things, depending on your location in the world. You could go kayaking, boating, jet skiing, sailing, surfing, you name it. Grab your friends or family and celebrate the 4th on the great blue sea (or lake, or river, whatever). This is one of my favorite ideas for the 4th of the July, only possibly second to the beach. If you’re going out on the boat to do this, make sure you grab your sunscreen, water, and food! In between your fun water excursions, you can enjoy these refreshments in the sun.
Another water option is to go kayaking in one of the many springs we have in this world! Specifically, in Florida we have many options to do this. There are parks near these springs where you can set up your stuff, get out on the water, and come back and relax! Oh and DO NOT forget to drink water.
So What Are You Planning for the 4th?
I hope you found inspiration from these ideas! The 4th of July is a great time to get together with friends and family and share memories that will last a lifetime. If you liked this post and want to see more from me (I mean why wouldn’t you?) subscribe below!
Also, I’d LOVE to hear what your 4th of July traditions are, or if you’re planning on switching it up this year! Share in the comments 🙂
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