6 Reasons You Should Drink More Water

Water is EVERYTHING. Our bodies are literally 60% H2O, so it makes sense that we need it. I’ve always heard that you should divide your weight by 2 and that is the number of ounces of water you should drink every day. So, weighing 140 lbs, I should drink 70 ounces of water a day! After searching, the general recommended amount without taking into account your body size is 8×8 ounces of water (or 2 liters). This oddly works out to be nearly the exact same for me either way you split it, so whichever you feel more comfortable with will work just fine! Here are six reasons you should be getting your daily dose of H2O.
1. Skin
There is some controversy over whether drinking more water actually helps the hydration of your skin. Personally, I definitely see an impact and honestly it can never hurt to drink more anyway. If it helps your skin too, then that’s just a bonus. I’ve seen it clear my acne, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and eliminate the puffiness I normally see. I do notice a certain glow on my face when I drink more. Especially when I combine an increase in water and cutting out chocolate and processed sugar.
2. Joint Health
A regular intake of water can help keep your joints lubricated. You need your joints to work your whole life (well at least as long as they can). I have suffered chronic joint pain for a few years now, so any help I can get is DEFINITELY taken.
3. Digestion
Your digestive system NEEDS water to function properly. It’s important to drink a glass every morning to wake up your digestion and get things moving. The increased regularity in your bowels will also assist you in the weight loss arena (see number 5). This article lists out the benefits of water for digestion.
4. Kidneys
Your Kidneys work super hard to filter out the unnecessary and possibly toxic stuff that enters your body. Drinking enough water ensures that your Kidneys aren’t solely getting liquid that they have to work through. Sometimes it’s a nice break for them just to process some clean liquid.
5. Weight Loss
As I referenced in number 3, drinking enough water can help you with your weight loss journey! Drinking enough H2O will boost your metabolism and help it run much smoother, helping YOU lose those extra lbs. Another thing is replacing sugary drinks with some agua will help you cut out some empty calories.
6. Energy and Brain
Being dehydrated really brings down your energy. So PERK up with some water! Also we all love to feel intelligent right? Well, water is essential for delivering nutrients to the brain and for removing toxins. Crazy right? I bet that made you jump up and grab a glass.
After reading this post, I hope you consider incorporating water more intensely into your routine. At the end of the day, it can only help you to drink some more H2O! Your body will thank you for it.
Comment your water journey and share this post to guilt your hydrophobic friends into drinking more (wink wink). And don’t forget to subscribe!
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Natalie Quinn
I really appreciate your article…keep up the good work buddy…
This tips are very helpful. I do think it is a good way to reach consumers…Thank you for sharing this! It does give a new insight in success….
Have a nice day… Natalie Quinn Tips
Thank you for the kind words! I’m glad you got something out of it 🙂